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女生和渣男搞笑圖片 2023-08-31 22:07:09
嘻嘻長什麼樣圖片 2023-08-31 22:06:10


發布時間: 2022-05-17 02:49:55

A. 求下面連詞成句答案(並且帶漢語)[圖片]

1. The book is in the school bag.
2.June is the sixth month of the year.
3.What is your address?
4. My friend likes to write stories.
5.Blue is our favorite color.

B. 書包里有什麼用英語怎麼寫

What's in your schoolbag?




[例句]She delved into herschoolbagand brought out apen.







C. there+is+a+picture+of+a+cat+on+my+schoolbag的中文意思

翻譯: 我的書包上有一張貓的圖片。
這句話是一個典型的there be句型,表示某地存在某物。There be句型一般遵守就近原則,也就是說be動詞和誰接近,就和誰保持單復數一致。請看例句:
There is a cat and two dogs in my house. 等於: There are two dogs and a cat in my house.我家有一隻貓,兩只狗。
There is some milk in the bottle. 杯子里有一些牛奶。

D. 翻譯片語

忙碌的一天______a busy day
待在床上______stay in bed
三點過了三分_____three past three
談論愛好_____talk about hobbies
感覺好些_____feel better
看醫生______see a doctor / go to the doctor's
多休息_____take more rests
12:30_____ half past twelve / twelve thirty

他的黑發____________his black hair
兩只大眼睛__________two big eyes
照看他們________look after them / take care of them
在9點鍾______at 9 o'clock
在五班_______in Class Five
左右轉動______roll / turn from side to side
九點半_______half past nine / nine thirty
在我的床上________on my bed
在湯姆的書包里_______in Tom's schoolbag
在我的圖片中________in my picture

E. 學生書包變得越來越重用英語寫一篇作文

In front of us unfolds a picture in which students carry their heavy bag to go to school.As it's reported that the average weight of our countrys' primary school students' schoolbag is 3.5 kilograms,junior school's students『schoolbag 5.5kilograms.The situation of the overweight of schoolbag is just so commen that people seldomly realize it's a phenomenon improper.
Several reasons should account for this .Firstly,the students bear too much pressure from their school work.Secondly ,the competition between the peers is very fierce.What's more,their teachers and parents often lay too much hopes and wishes on the students.
As we all know ,more books doesn't necessarily means more grades.What matters most is to master the essence of how to put what you learn into practice.Only when the public come to realize this point can stufents' schoolbag become lighter.
在我們面前展現一個圖片,學生背負沉重的書包上學。據報道,平均體重的國小學生書包3.5公斤,初中的學生書包重5.5公斤,這個情況的書包是超重而平凡的人們很少意識到這是一個現象不當。應考慮到這幾個原因。首先,學生承受太多的壓力,從他們的學校工作。其次,同行之間的競爭非常激烈。更重要的是,他們的老師和家長往往把太多的希望和願望的學生。我們都知道,更多的書並不一定意味著更多的成績。最重要的是掌握精華如何將你所學付諸實踐。只有當公眾開始意識到這一點可以少數學生的書包變輕。 也許有錯誤,自己再檢查一下吧

F. 小班英語教案in the street

中班英文卡通故事「Dont play in the street
word:pencil pencil--case sci or book school
tory: Don"t play in the street!
圖片卡、手偶MAX 、 故事錄像帶、故事錄音帶、故事圖片卡、書包、。
一) 復習字匯:
活動一開始,播放歌曲「School is fun ,教師背著書包走進教室,相互問好,和幼兒一同表演唱歌曲。
歌曲結束,教師問:Oh , what"s in my schoolbag ?讓幼兒上來抽卡單詞卡片。最後抽出手偶MAX,讓幼兒和MAX問好。然後師問:OH,MAX。How are you today?
MAX:MMM.......,I"m not well.
Do you want to know?(YES)
OK, Now let"s watch a story.
二、故事「Don"t play in the street.
如:師:It"s morning . Time to go to .......
4、游戲:讓幼兒閉上眼睛,將故事卡其中兩張或三張調換位置,問:What"s wrong?請幼兒將故事卡放回原來的位置上。
6、師說:Linda and Be y tell MAx " Don"t play in the street 「, 那小朋友們能不能在馬路上玩耍呀?(不能)
Ok, do you remember the song "Don"t play in the street ?Let"s sing the song ,ok?
三、播放歌曲:「Don"t play in the street 。結束。
師問:Are you ha y today?
生: Yes, I"m ha y.
OK, So much for today , bye bye .<p p="">

G. 請問:目前小學生書包平均有多重較重的達到.多少中學生書包又有多重有大數據統計嗎謝謝!

In front of us unfolds a picture in which students carry their heavy bag to go to school.As it's reported that the average weight of our countrys' priry school students' schoolbag is 3.5 kilograms,junior school's students『schoolbag 5.5kilograms.The situation of the overweight of schoolbag is just so commen that people seldomly realize it's a phenomenon improper.
Several reasons should account for this .Firstly,the students bear too much pressure from their school work.Secondly ,the competition between the peers is very fierce.What's more,their teachers and parents often lay too much hopes and wishes on the students.
As we all know ,more books doesn't necessarily means more grades.What tters most is to ster the essence of how to put what you learn into practice.Only when the public come to realize this point can stufents' schoolbag become lighter.
在我們面前展現一個圖片,學生背負沉重的書包上學。據報道,平均體重的國小學生書包3.5公斤,初中的學生書包重5.5公斤,這個情況的書包是超重而平凡的人們很少意識到這是一個現象不當。應考慮到這幾個原因。首先,學生承受太多的壓力,從他們的學校工作。其次,同行之間的競爭非常激烈。更重要的是,他們的老師和家長往往把太多的希望和願望的學生。我們都知道,更多的書並不一定意味著更多的成績。最重要的是掌握精華如何將你所學付諸實踐。只有當公眾開始意識到這一點可以少數學生的書包變輕。 也許有錯誤,自己再檢查一下吧

H. 書包怎麼讀

  • 中文名稱


  • 外文名稱

    school bag

  • 拼音

    shū bāo

  • 類型



I. 什麼an eraser and some pens in the schoolbag

填: put放。

J. 小學there was教學設計

教學目標:1、能聽懂、會說、會讀和會拼寫單詞was, moment, ago, were, a mobile phone, glasses
2、能聽懂、會說和會讀單詞 a CD Walkman, roll, film, earphone, a diary
3、能聽懂、會說、會讀和會寫句型Where's my /your...?It's on / in /near /behind / under...It isn't there now .It was there a moment ago.
Where are my/your...? They're on /in /near /behind /under...They aren't there now. They were there just now.
三、重點、難點:1、能聽懂、會說、會讀和會拼寫單詞was, moment, ago, were,a mobile phone, glasses
2、能聽懂、會說、會讀和會寫句型Where's my /your...?It's on / in /near /behind / under...It isn't there now. It was there a moment ago.
Where are my/your...? They're on /in /near /behind /under...
They aren't there now. They were there just now.
<一>Warming up
1 Sing a song 「where』s my diary?」 (先將歌曲放兩遍,讓學生感受其旋律,然後試唱。難的部分教師可以帶唱幾遍。)
2 Free Talk
What day is it today?
What's the date today?
Step1 Revision出示多媒體
(1) 由What day is it today?
(2) 復習介詞 on /in /near /behind /under...多媒體演示
(3) look and say
Where is the...?
It』s on /in /near /behind /under...
(設計意圖:多媒體展現,復習介詞,讓學生從視覺上理解、掌握用法,使課堂更加生動形象,避免了抽象的單一的操練。通過對方位的對話操練,既鞏固舊知識,又為下面的新時態的引入做准備。因為學生層次差異太大,所以這部分的復習非常有必要,另外對有能力的學生可適當加入in front of, at back of等拓展詞彙。)
Step2 Learn the words
(1)出示多媒體(Part B 圖片)
T: There are some things in Su Hai and Su Yang』s sitting-room. What's in their sitting room?
Let students say some things然後屏幕上出現a diary
T: Look, What's this in English?
Teach the new word:a diary(復習名詞的復數形式「family」「baby」等將y改為i再加es.
T: Look, What's that in English? 屏幕上出現a telephone a mobile phone試比較兩個單詞的異同
Teach the new word:a mobile phone
同理教授CD Walkman,(與 Walkman比較)
a roll of film,( 說明film的意思還可以是電影 watch a film看電影)
a pair of glasses,(先可復習與a pair of有關的片語,讓學生組詞a pair of shoes/trousers)
earphones (找出這個單詞中已經學過的部分,便於學生記憶,也初步了解英語合成詞)(設計意圖:新舊單詞的比較以舊帶新體現循序漸進的教學規則,從視覺上感知名詞的單復數形式。由於六年級的學生有一定的基礎,很多單詞以前有接觸,加上課前的預習,所以新授單詞這個環節很快過。)
(4) Guess:Where is /are the …?
(設計意圖:通過課件猜「在哪裡?」用以學的新單詞詢問,鞏固句型的基礎上,開始引入新課。課前可通知有條件的學生將 「CD Walkman,earphones」等物品帶來,開展小組操練。)
Step3 Ask and answer
(1)T:Where is your mobile phone?
Ss: It's in the schoolbag.
T: Yes, it's in the schoolbag now.
教師操作,使 mobile phone 消失
T: Is it there now?
Ss: No, it isn't.
T: Yes, it isn't there now.
It was there a moment ago.
Teach: was a moment ago,
(理解說明was是is, am 的過去式,用於過去時態的句子里。當句子表示的事情發生在過去,該句就應用一般過去時。a moment ago 的意思為一會以前,指過去,所以應用一般過去時,動詞用過去式。)
(2) Practice these sentences
T: Where's your film?
S1: It's in the desk.
T: It isn't there now.(教師操作,使film消失)
S1:It was there a moment ago.
Let Ss practice like this.
--Where's my /your...?
--It's on / in /near /behind / under...
--It isn't there now.
--It was there a moment ago.
And work in pairs也可用身邊的物品對話詢問
(3)T:I want to listen to the song 「where』s my diary?」 again, but I can』t find my earphones. Where are my earphones?
S: They are under the table.
操作多媒體,讓earphones 消失
T: Are they under the table now?
S: No, they aren't.
T: Yes, they aren't there now.
They were there just now.
(說明were是are的過去式,用於過去時態的句子里。當句子表示的事情發生在過去,該句就應用一般過去時。理解just now的意思為剛才,指過去,所以應用一般過去時,動詞用過去式。)
(4)Practice these sentences
T: Where are the films?
S: They are on the diary.
T: They aren』t there now.
S: They were there just now.
Let Ss practice like this.可用身邊的物品對話詢問
--Where are my/your...?
--They're on /in /near /behind /under...
--They aren't there now.
--They were there just now.
step1 Read and spell the words in Part B
Step2 Do part C
step3 小結一下過去式:一般過去時表示過去某個時間發生的動作或存在的狀態,常和表示過去的時間狀語連用,如a moment ago, just now, yesterday,
last week, three months ago等。動詞be的過去式為was和were。第一人稱單數和第三人稱單數用was,其餘用were.
Step4 用be動詞的適當形式填空
1、All the students ________watching a running race.
2、It _________ (be) here now.
3、They ________(be) there just now.
4、Where_________(be) your CDs?
5、Ben _________ in the room a moment ago.
6、Where were you last weekend? I _____(be) at home.
7、What day it today?
8、The film on the sofa just now.
9、What you doing? I reading now.
10、Where miss Li? She in her room . No she there now.She there this morning.
答案:are is were are was was is was are am is is isn』t was
講解:做習題時首先要考慮時態,這要求學生先將時間狀語找出來,確定時態,像just now,a moment ago,last weekend,等過去的時間用一般過去式,然後在定人稱,單復數,確定be動詞。這樣一步步做題的習慣要在平時養成。
1、Copy the new words
2、Make dialogues
3、Write the sentences of Part C
Unit3 It was there
Where's my /your...?
It's on / in /near /behind / under...
It isn't there now.
It was there a moment ago.

Where are my/your...?
They're on /in /near /behind /under...
They aren't there now.
They were there just now.